Our Mission

Facilitating clean electricity projects to enable the phaseout of fossil fuel power plants

We are a non-profit.

We are your partners for affordable power plant transitions.

  • Power Customers

    You might face increasing pressure to move to a clean power supply, but find that traditional renewable projects don't actually enable you to stop using fossil power plants.

    You might experience high electricity costs, especially if your region is reliant on diesel generators and imported fuel.

    You might not believe it yet, but we are confident that an affordable transition to clean electricity (and heat!) is possible. We know suppliers of novel clean baseload systems including enhanced geothermal, modular nuclear, and long duration storage.

    We can help you craft a blueprint for a transition and bring in suppliers and funders to make commercial projects a reality in the near term.

  • Governments

    You want to be a leader in climate solutions. You also want to guarantee cheap and accessible energy to your citizens.

    There might be more that you can do than you realize. We have experience in policy and political communication. We know what policies could unlock clean baseload power projects.

    We can help you craft bold and popular policies and initiatives and take advantage of international partnerships, suppliers, and funders.

  • Financiers

    You are already driving positive change with your sustainability investments, but early commercial projects for a realm as capital intensive as power plants doesn't fit a traditional risk-return profile.

    We will work with you to design risk mitigation structures so that you can help create the clean baseload power solutions the world so clearly needs.

    We will use blended and staged financing vehicles to help make projects happen as soon as possible with as little risk as possible.


  • Solomon Goldstein-Rose

    Solomon Goldstein-Rose


    Solomon has been a climate leader since age 11. As an undergrad he created and led a statewide carbon pricing campaign. At age 22 he was elected to the Massachusetts Legislature where he wrote and passed energy and education policies. Solomon's climate solutions expertise shifted globally with the publication of his book, The 100% Solution, and continued with his 2021 TED Talk on how much clean electricity generation the world truly needs. Solomon cofounded and ran a climate investing fund which partnered with several clean baseload power companies.

  • Juan Herrada

    Juan Herrada


    Juan is a serial entrepreneur. He has led, consulted and fundraised for environmental ventures across the globe. His own company developed and built several solar-biogas mini grids in Kenya. He also advised the governments of Australia and Indonesia on national level sustainability investments. More recently Juan led the strategy of a US climate tech startup, establishing significant partnerships and securing traction across key markets. Juan holds a Masters in International Business and is a Chartered Environmentalist with the UK’s IEMA and SocEnv.

  • Juliana Birnbaum

    Juliana Birnbaum


    Juliana is a community focused researcher and successful author. She is an expert in regenerative design and has written for numerous magazines and anthologies. Her first book Sustainable [R]evolution led to her collaborations on bestselling titles Drawdown and Regeneration. She has worked in many countries as a social science researcher, founded a nonprofit in partnership with indigenous Amazon leaders, and led research at Project Regeneration. Juliana holds a Masters degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology.

Some of our advisors and partners:

  • Lindsay Levin

    Entrepreneur and founder of Blue Dot Collective and Leaders Quest, coordinator of the TED Countdown international initiative

  • Jens Nielsen

    CEO of World Climate Foundation, Director of Climate Investment Coalition, decades of multinational corporate leadership

  • Tim Lines

    CEO of Geothermal Wells, LLC, decades long oil+gas executive and international energy consultant

  • Erika Reinhardt

    Cofounder and Executive Director of Spark Climate Solutions, engineer with Stripe, OpenAI, Planet Labs

  • Deanna Zhang

    CEO of V1 Climate Solutions, management and financial consultant, former banker on energy deals and strategy

  • Hon. Stan Rosenberg

    Former Massachusetts Senate President

  • Cindy Taff

    CEO of Sage Geosystems, VP at Shell, drilling and operations expert

  • Chuck Peterson

    Nuclear lawyer and engineer, lead negotiator for Barakah power plant in UAE, former head of international energy practice at Pillsbury law

  • Lance Cook

    CTO of Sage Geosystems, Chief Scientist at Shell

  • Logan McClure Davda

    Head of impact at TED, formerly at Obama Foundation

  • Stephen Petranek

    Editor of Discover Magazine, science journalist, climate investor, ocean expert

Get in touch.

Our role as a catalytic connector means we are always interested to hear from new financiers, suppliers, project developers, policymakers, utilities, and electricity consumers who might be interested in participating in or benefiting from our accelerating network of clean baseload power projects.